Thursday, June 12, 2008

Message to Incarnate Word-Great things going on here!

Hello to all-wish so much that you were here as this conference is putting out vital info not just for our organization, but for many who want the same things we want-CHANGE-

Senator Webb is soon to arrive as we have met the head of the VFW and a very great speech by the Vets 4 Vets organization who are probably the most interesting group here.

We are located a block away from the Capitol, next door to the Jefferson Library, and the weather is great. This is an awesome facility and the breakfast and lunch is top notch. Thanks to all who have helped me to see and honor this experience on what is happening here in D.C.

We should have a function for these guys and gals in San Antonio sometime!!!

from D.C.,


1 comment:

John Mikelson said...

Hey Willie;

Start Tlaking gto Liz and Derek about next year now.

JOhn Mikelson